For the funds managed by Pique Ventures, including Pique Fund, we actively look for founders with great potential and compelling ventures in which to invest. We meet founders and are introduced to opportunities in a lot of different ways. Most of our successful investment opportunities arrive to us:
- By referral from other investors, including Pique Fund investors as well as investors in our broader community;
- By referral from founders that we have funded already or from other funded founders.
Connecting on LinkedIn
Bonnie Foley-Wong generally does not accept invitations to connect on LinkedIn from people she does not know or has not yet met.
If you are looking for investment, please first explore ways to be referred to Pique Ventures, either by an investor or a funded founder.
We currently do not publish the investment criteria of our funds on our website and instead keep our referral network informed and aware of what we are looking for. You can get a sense of what Pique Fund is looking for based on the description of the fund, our existing portfolio, and some of our posts about the fund. As Pique Ventures grows, we endeavour to make the experience of contacting us more accessible and permeable.
If you are confident that your venture is a potential fit for one of our funds, you may want to consider contacting Pique Ventures and being as specific as possible in your message to us as to why you believe you and your venture may be a fit for us. Feel free to include your investor deck, but ensure your message addresses why you may be a fit for Pique.