I’m writing a book about investing with our values and have a chapter on types of investing. So I made a list of types and also terms related to investing with our values. I bet the list is even longer than this. Some of the terms I’ve noted below stretch the idea of “investing”. I thought it would be worthwhile and wise to include them, at least to differentiate between different types of investing – that which generate a financial return, that which generates social change or impact, and that which generates a blended outcome. What other terms do you use or that you’ve heard of?
- Peer-to-Peer Lending
- Angel Investing
- Impact Investing
- Social Finance
- Triple Bottom Line Investing
- Socially Responsible Investing
- Ethical Investing
- Shareholder Activism
- Philanthropy and Venture Philanthropy
- Charitable Giving
- Time-Raising
- Social Enterprise
- Social Ventures and Social Purpose Businesses
- [ ___________ ]
Looking forward to the book Bonnie!
Some terms to add:
Blended Value (by Jed Emerson)
Philanthrocapitalism (Matthew Bishop – The economist)
Patient Capital (Acumen Fund)
Program/Mission related investing
HIP Investor (Human Impact + Profit)