A day for international remembrance and recognition of women’s rights dates as far back as 1909. The United Nations began to celebrate International Women’s Day in 1975. Over the past century, women have fought for better working conditions, the right to vote, and the end of violence towards women and girls, not to mention the right to fair and equal pay and gender equity in decision-making roles in the community, in business, and in government.
At Pique Ventures, we hope that with everything we do – whether it is enabling more women and a more diverse community of investors to invest in impactful businesses or building businesses in a leadership role or sharing know-how and resources through our books – we’re empowering more women as leaders in investing and business and continuing to serve a diverse community. This year, Pique Ventures would like to thank and recognize the women and men championing leadership diversity in the investment ecosystem, including:
With that in mind, this year Pique Ventures would like to thank and recognize the women and men championing leadership diversity in the investment ecosystem, including:
The 24 women and 5 men who have invested in Pique Fund and believe in investing in impact and leadership diversity.
The leaders and founders of the four Pique Fund portfolio companies who are building impactful, growing businesses, which in many cases disproportionately and positively impact the lives and livelihoods of working women and mothers.
It is a community of women and men that help make the work of Pique Venture and Pique Fund possible including our mentors, investment partners, lawyers, accountants and accounting support, brand strategists, book strategists, photographer, videographer, and admin team.
In particular, I’d like to thank Lally Rementilla. Lally was the first external investor in Pique Fund and graciously agreed to sit on the Board of the fund. She does more than just make investment decisions with me. There is a camaraderie that I can’t adequately put in words. She is both mentor and peer. She offers a fresh and different perspective and is open to learning new approaches that is welcoming in what we do as early-stage investors. She is the Chief Financial Officer of Quantius and despite her busy schedule, still makes time for calls to discuss challenging, grey-area issues regarding ventures Pique Fund might want to invest in and to champion women entrepreneurs.
More resources and tools for evaluating impact and doing effective due diligence, check out Integrated Investing: Impact Investing with Head, Heart, Body, and Soul, available at all major online book retailers.
Download your free 24-page Integrated Investing Toolkit, by signing up to the Pique Ventures newsletter.