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There are 35 angel investors groups across Canada, representing 3,300 active angel investors. NACO reported that Canadian angel investors made 418 investments in 2016, amounting to $157.2 million.

The Vancouver startup community gathered in the last week of September 2017 for Vancouver Startup Week and Pique Fund participated in two events to connect and support the startup and angel investor ecosystem.

BLG’s Driven by Women hosted Connection Corner, gathering startup leaders and representatives from Futurpreneur, Women’s Enterprise Centre, and FrontFundr for an afternoon of connection and conversation.


L to R: Bonnie Foley-Wong with Lori Charvat, Sandbox Consulting and with Paulina Cameron (Futurpreneur), Julie Bogle (BLG) and Kath Britton (Women’s Enterprise Centre).

Bonnie Foley-Wong, Pique Fund founder and investor, joined other angel investors, speaking at Angel Investing Demystified, sponsored by Vancouver Angel Network, Vantec. Speaking about managing the risk of angel investing, Bonnie encouraged investors to be curious about the unknown. She also spoke of the robust due diligence process that Pique Fund employs. Bonnie meets founders over time and often has known the CEOs for 2 years before the fund invests, in what she refers to as experiential due diligence. Pique Fund also applies Integrated Investing, the methodology for making investment decisions that help create a better world.


Photo credit (above and featured image): @Startup_YVR via Twitter

Experiential due diligence: meet founders over time, experience their decisions #IntegratedInvesting (click to tweet)

Pique Fund launched in 2014 with no companies and 7 pioneering women who believed impact investing and a focus on women-led ventures could produce superior returns and help create a better world. Since then, we’ve grown to 6 amazing portfolio companies and 29 investors, of which 24 are women, representing 80% of the fund’s capital.

We have returned almost $110,000 to investors thanks to the BC venture capital tax credit and are working hard to generate even more returns.

Pique Fund are active investors. We roll up our sleeves. (click to tweet)

We are active investors. We roll up our sleeves and work alongside our company CEOs, their Boards, and our co-investors, to do whatever we can to help our companies grow and succeed.


For more impact investing resources and tools, check out Integrated Investing: Impact Investing with Head, Heart, Body, and Soul, available at all major online book retailers.

Download your free 24-page Integrated Investing Toolkit, by signing up to the Pique Ventures newsletter.